Tuesday, August 26, 2008


If you have come to check us out say hi! You don't have to have a blog to comment them, sillies. So family and friends say hi when you stop by! Under the posts there are comments...click em! That way we can keep in touch! : )

Monday, August 25, 2008

My, I have raised a comedian.

Paige is possibly the most hilarious four year old child I think I have ever met. Will ever meet for that matter! She tells me the most amazingly imaginative stories, and has a joke for all occasions. Why just this morning I wasn't feeling well, so Nick fed the girls breakfast while I stayed in bed praying for my migrane to subside. I was getting ready for work, not too happy because of the migrane of course, and I asked her what she had for breakfast. She replied, "Uh....ummm...I can't remember what it's called." So I asked, "Cereal? Waffles?" She said, "Cereal....but what's the word? You know the round kind...shaped like a circle? Like Lillie's head?" Where I instantly cracked up! "You mean Apple Jacks?" I said. "Yes! The round one! Like Lillie and my head!" Now could anyone be cuter than my Tator Tot?!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Party Time!

I have to appoligize for not posting Paige's birthday party pics...well when it was her birthday! But here are a few random ones for all of your viewing pleasure. I don't have any super cute/fancy ones....I am trying to get Nick to buy me a fancy camera so I can take some nice pictures! But until then, enjoy!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Lyla Jean Rindon!!

I am finally the proud auntie of a brand new beautiful baby girl named Lyla Jean Rindon! Mommy Jena and Daddy Charlie brought little Lyla into this world August 14th at 8:12 p.m. She was an itty bitty 5lbs 13oz and 19inches long. She has a gorgeous blond curls and blue eyes! She is adorable and her cousins Lillie and Paige can't wait to play! Congratulations Jena and Charlie! You did a great job!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Recently we found out our little Lillie has Vesicoureteral Reflux. Google it. : ) Usually your kidneys drain into your bladder...the end. But with the reflux some of the urine comes back up into the kidneys and can cause infections and eventually scarring and more scary things. But we seem to have found out in time, her kidneys seem good. They grade the reflux on a scale of 1 to 5. 5 being the worst. She is a 3. So they are giving her a 50/50 chance of it correcting itself as she grows. So in the mean time, she is on daily medication to prevent an infection and we are going back in six months to retest to see if she has had any improvement. So I just wanted to keep all of our family and friends updated on how she is! She is doing great!

Also an update on McKenzi. I heard today from my sister-in-law that she is doing great, they have her on some medication and they will be watching her closely and hoping for the best! So thanks to everyone for keeping her in your thoughts and prayers! It really works!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

5 things I learned last weekend........

5. Having a color coded list of priorities does not necessarily guarantee that anything will actually get done.
4. Birthday shopping for your soon-to-be-four-year-old daughter is not as easy as it sounds.
3. Jessica and Nick. Bad combo for getting anything done unless it involves useless things like eating out, spending money, watching movies, naps. Things of that nature.
2. Four month old babies do not understand the concept of "the weekend". As a matter of fact....they don't get the concept of "nights" either.
1. Despite being 20 years older than the so-called "recommended age group" for the slip-n-slide....it is surprisingly fun to throw yourself on the ground with nothing but a thin layer of plastic and a little water there to catch you.