Tuesday, August 5, 2008

5 things I learned last weekend........

5. Having a color coded list of priorities does not necessarily guarantee that anything will actually get done.
4. Birthday shopping for your soon-to-be-four-year-old daughter is not as easy as it sounds.
3. Jessica and Nick. Bad combo for getting anything done unless it involves useless things like eating out, spending money, watching movies, naps. Things of that nature.
2. Four month old babies do not understand the concept of "the weekend". As a matter of fact....they don't get the concept of "nights" either.
1. Despite being 20 years older than the so-called "recommended age group" for the slip-n-slide....it is surprisingly fun to throw yourself on the ground with nothing but a thin layer of plastic and a little water there to catch you.


Krazy Keetch's said...

couldn't agree with you more!

Cortney said...

Your post made me laugh! I haven't rode on a slip n' slide in decades, lol!