Monday, August 25, 2008

My, I have raised a comedian.

Paige is possibly the most hilarious four year old child I think I have ever met. Will ever meet for that matter! She tells me the most amazingly imaginative stories, and has a joke for all occasions. Why just this morning I wasn't feeling well, so Nick fed the girls breakfast while I stayed in bed praying for my migrane to subside. I was getting ready for work, not too happy because of the migrane of course, and I asked her what she had for breakfast. She replied, "Uh....ummm...I can't remember what it's called." So I asked, "Cereal? Waffles?" She said, "Cereal....but what's the word? You know the round kind...shaped like a circle? Like Lillie's head?" Where I instantly cracked up! "You mean Apple Jacks?" I said. "Yes! The round one! Like Lillie and my head!" Now could anyone be cuter than my Tator Tot?!

1 comment:

Lee said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Paige and the personality that comes with it.